HPCG-Benchmark version=3.1 Release date=March 28, 2019 Machine Summary= Machine Summary::Distributed Processes=169344 Machine Summary::Threads per processes=1 Global Problem Dimensions= Global Problem Dimensions::Global nx=7168 Global Problem Dimensions::Global ny=7168 Global Problem Dimensions::Global nz=6912 Processor Dimensions= Processor Dimensions::npx=56 Processor Dimensions::npy=56 Processor Dimensions::npz=54 Local Domain Dimensions= Local Domain Dimensions::nx=128 Local Domain Dimensions::ny=128 Local Domain Dimensions::Lower ipz=0 Local Domain Dimensions::Upper ipz=53 Local Domain Dimensions::nz=128 ########## Problem Summary ##########= Setup Information= Setup Information::Setup Time=14.9803 Linear System Information= Linear System Information::Number of Equations=355140108288 Linear System Information::Number of Nonzero Terms=9586074706936 Multigrid Information= Multigrid Information::Number of coarse grid levels=3 Multigrid Information::Coarse Grids= Multigrid Information::Coarse Grids::Grid Level=1 Multigrid Information::Coarse Grids::Number of Equations=44392513536 Multigrid Information::Coarse Grids::Number of Nonzero Terms=1197920875000 Multigrid Information::Coarse Grids::Number of Presmoother Steps=1 Multigrid Information::Coarse Grids::Number of Postsmoother Steps=1 Multigrid Information::Coarse Grids::Grid Level=2 Multigrid Information::Coarse Grids::Number of Equations=5549064192 Multigrid Information::Coarse Grids::Number of Nonzero Terms=149655517432 Multigrid Information::Coarse Grids::Number of Presmoother Steps=1 Multigrid Information::Coarse Grids::Number of Postsmoother Steps=1 Multigrid Information::Coarse Grids::Grid Level=3 Multigrid Information::Coarse Grids::Number of Equations=693633024 Multigrid Information::Coarse Grids::Number of Nonzero Terms=18685803640 Multigrid Information::Coarse Grids::Number of Presmoother Steps=1 Multigrid Information::Coarse Grids::Number of Postsmoother Steps=1 ########## Memory Use Summary ##########= Memory Use Information= Memory Use Information::Total memory used for data (Gbytes)=253994 Memory Use Information::Memory used for OptimizeProblem data (Gbytes)=0 Memory Use Information::Bytes per equation (Total memory / Number of Equations)=715.193 Memory Use Information::Memory used for linear system and CG (Gbytes)=223517 Memory Use Information::Coarse Grids= Memory Use Information::Coarse Grids::Grid Level=1 Memory Use Information::Coarse Grids::Memory used=26713.7 Memory Use Information::Coarse Grids::Grid Level=2 Memory Use Information::Coarse Grids::Memory used=3343.57 Memory Use Information::Coarse Grids::Grid Level=3 Memory Use Information::Coarse Grids::Memory used=419.087 ########## V&V Testing Summary ##########= Spectral Convergence Tests= Spectral Convergence Tests::Result=PASSED Spectral Convergence Tests::Unpreconditioned= Spectral Convergence Tests::Unpreconditioned::Maximum iteration count=11 Spectral Convergence Tests::Unpreconditioned::Expected iteration count=12 Spectral Convergence Tests::Preconditioned= Spectral Convergence Tests::Preconditioned::Maximum iteration count=2 Spectral Convergence Tests::Preconditioned::Expected iteration count=2 Departure from Symmetry |x'Ay-y'Ax|/(2*||x||*||A||*||y||)/epsilon= Departure from Symmetry |x'Ay-y'Ax|/(2*||x||*||A||*||y||)/epsilon::Result=PASSED Departure from Symmetry |x'Ay-y'Ax|/(2*||x||*||A||*||y||)/epsilon::Departure for SpMV=3.68049e-14 Departure from Symmetry |x'Ay-y'Ax|/(2*||x||*||A||*||y||)/epsilon::Departure for MG=3.67568e-13 ########## Iterations Summary ##########= Iteration Count Information= Iteration Count Information::Result=PASSED Iteration Count Information::Reference CG iterations per set=50 Iteration Count Information::Optimized CG iterations per set=50 Iteration Count Information::Total number of reference iterations=1150 Iteration Count Information::Total number of optimized iterations=1150 ########## Reproducibility Summary ##########= Reproducibility Information= Reproducibility Information::Result=PASSED Reproducibility Information::Scaled residual mean=0.00506572 Reproducibility Information::Scaled residual variance=0 ########## Performance Summary (times in sec) ##########= Benchmark Time Summary= Benchmark Time Summary::Optimization phase=8.1e-08 Benchmark Time Summary::DDOT=206.984 Benchmark Time Summary::WAXPBY=46.3626 Benchmark Time Summary::SpMV=246.491 Benchmark Time Summary::MG=1441.96 Benchmark Time Summary::Total=1942.03 Floating Point Operations Summary= Floating Point Operations Summary::Raw DDOT=2.4668e+15 Floating Point Operations Summary::Raw WAXPBY=2.4668e+15 Floating Point Operations Summary::Raw SpMV=2.24889e+16 Floating Point Operations Summary::Raw MG=1.25823e+17 Floating Point Operations Summary::Total=1.53245e+17 Floating Point Operations Summary::Total with convergence overhead=1.53245e+17 GB/s Summary= GB/s Summary::Raw Read B/W=486017 GB/s Summary::Raw Write B/W=112312 GB/s Summary::Raw Total B/W=598329 GB/s Summary::Total with convergence and optimization phase overhead=587899 GFLOP/s Summary= GFLOP/s Summary::Raw DDOT=11917.8 GFLOP/s Summary::Raw WAXPBY=53206.8 GFLOP/s Summary::Raw SpMV=91236.4 GFLOP/s Summary::Raw MG=87258 GFLOP/s Summary::Raw Total=78910 GFLOP/s Summary::Total with convergence overhead=78910 GFLOP/s Summary::Total with convergence and optimization phase overhead=77534.4 User Optimization Overheads= User Optimization Overheads::Optimization phase time (sec)=8.1e-08 User Optimization Overheads::Optimization phase time vs reference SpMV+MG time=5.29818e-08 DDOT Timing Variations= DDOT Timing Variations::Min DDOT MPI_Allreduce time=34.8195 DDOT Timing Variations::Max DDOT MPI_Allreduce time=215.486 DDOT Timing Variations::Avg DDOT MPI_Allreduce time=160.958 Final Summary= Final Summary::HPCG result is VALID with a GFLOP/s rating of=77534.4 Final Summary::HPCG 2.4 rating for historical reasons is=78910 Final Summary::Reference version of ComputeDotProduct used=Performance results are most likely suboptimal Final Summary::Reference version of ComputeSPMV used=Performance results are most likely suboptimal Final Summary::Reference version of ComputeMG used=Performance results are most likely suboptimal Final Summary::Reference version of ComputeWAXPBY used=Performance results are most likely suboptimal Final Summary::Please upload results from the YAML file contents to=http://hpcg-benchmark.org